Lights! Camera! Greenfield! Sign Up Page

Lights! Camera! Greenfield! sign up poster

There are only four rules to Lights! Camera! Greenfield!

  1. Sign Up – Your Team “leader” needs to sign your team up so we know you are competing and can draw prompts for you. This also lets us know how to contact your team and gives us information if you reserve the equipment or editing time.

  2. Get Your Prompts – Every LCG! kicks off with the Kick-Off Celebration! This is held on the first night and allows us to welcome people, explain the rules, and of course, draw prompts! These prompts must be in the film, but it is up to the teams how they include them.

  3. Make A Movie – Granted, this is a thousand tiny steps, but it’s kind of the whole point. You have two weeks from the Kick-Off to write, plan, film, and edit your short film. All films must be PG-13 at MOST and GCTV holds all say on what is and is not appropriate.

  4. Submit Your Movie – While you may have a wonderful movie, we cannot judge it if you don’t send it in. We are flexible and if technical or production delays happen, let us know as soon as possible and we can work out a solution. A submission link will be sent out during the second week of the contest.