Mik owns Montague WebWorks, was president of the Greenfield Business Association for four years, and has created numerous local events, including Mutton & Mead, the Montague and Greenfield Soapbox Races, and local community websites such as MontagueMA.net. He was also on the Montague Community TV board for 20 years.
Starting his career in 1975, Garry has been involved in supporting multiple Cable Access organizations. Retired from GCC in 2018 after 42 years as an Educational Technology Specialist, with extensive experience in developing and producing all forms of media and designing presentation and production facilities.
Susan began as a filmmaker in 1997 when she took video classes at GCC. Her work landed her at the San Francisco Art Institute. She stayed in CA for 20 years, working on small indie films and then full-time as a Director and Editor at a production company called Fridays. She is back in MA, developing a documentary series called Good Ol' Greenfield
Born and raised in western Mass, Sean Griffin has had his hand in the Franklin County music scene since 1997. After living in three different countries and seven major cities, he moved back to the Greenfield area in 2009 and soon started a weekly radio show on WMCB 107.9 FM, with a focus on pop culture.
Frances, author of “Debt or Alive” and “Retire Debt & Retire Well”, has devoted more than 30 years to educating clients about money and how to improve their relationship with it. A Registered Investment Advisor or Independent Broker since age 23, Dr. Rahaim is the president and founder of HUG Your Money™, a patented Financial Wellness as a Service platform.
Matt Conway has served as Communications Director for the City of Greenfield since June 2023. In his role, Matt creates and publicizes outreach for city programs, helps organize city events and facilitates media inquiries. Matt has spearheaded several communication initiatives, such as the What's Going on Greenfield newsletter and the expansion of hybrid/recorded meetings.
Don is the Director of Community Workshop Nonprofit in Greenfield. He also serves on the board of Fresh Start Furniture Bank. Don is dedicated to providing community outreach services to support the unhoused, women, and children. Additionally, he offers handyman services to benefit the community.
Vice President Information Technology, Greenfield Community College
Radio DJ & Programmer for 15 years. Features writer & album reviews (past & present) for Elmore, Rolling Stone, and Folk Alley. Small business & nom profit consultant.
Digital creator, Director / Producer of movie Money Game, Owner at Baer Breaking Bread Productions, LLC
If you’ve ever thought about playing a bigger role at GCTV, this may be the right opportunity for you. We love having passionate, involved board members contributing to the overall vision at our station. GCTV welcomes new board members during the annual meeting, which takes place in January. If this interests you, please contact us.
Meetings of the Board
Board meetings are on the last Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM. GCTV members and the public are welcome to attend. Currently the Board meets mosty via Zoom, but is transitioning back to in-person meetings at the station on Main Street. To join us, please reach out by emailing info@gctv.org.